Interpal - Qurbani - A Holy Duty

" For every hair of the Qurbani you will receive a reward from Allah, and for every strand of its wool you will receive a reward."
(Sahih Tirmidhi)

This Eid Al-Adha, as we prepare our sacrifices in the name of Allah (swt) and help those who are less fortunate, we ask you to turn your thoughts to our Palestinian brothers and sisters. In the occupied Palestinian territories, Lebanon and Jordan, 5 million Palestinian refugees are struggling with unimaginable poverty and hardship.

Palestinian refugees are in urgent need of support. You can make a difference to their lives through Interpal, while completing your holy duty to perform Udhiyyah (Qurbani) during this special time, insh’Allah.

Interpal’s Eid Al-Adha programmes ensure that families most in need receive meat, food items, clothing and toys on the blessed days of Eid.

This Eid Al Adha, with your support, we’d like to reach over 8,000 families in need. Get in touch today and fulfil your holy duty!

A Holy Duty_Light

Why share your Qurbani with Palestine?

Directing your Qurbani and Sadaqah to struggling Palestinian families can bring great rewards for you and so much happiness for them, insha’Allah.

As we follow in the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) it is even more befitting to support those in Palestine, the Land of the Prophets. This time serves as an opportunity to extend our hands and share from our wealth with those less fortunate and as a way for us to celebrate together and spread happiness during uncertain times.

Perform a Qurbani for Palestinian Refugees for Qurbani 2018 with Interpal

Make a Difference Today

Interpal caters for all financial capabilities meaning that no one misses out on fulfilling their religious duty and sharing their wealth with those less fortunate. You can choose from the following:

How Interpal Qurbani Works

Meat is expensive for Palestinians due to restricted land, lack of freedom of movement, poverty and restrictions on imports to the territories.

Interpal - Qurbani - Step 1 - Make a Donation

Give us a call on 020 8961 9993 or click here. Your £95 Qurbani will be carried out in the most economical location abroad and you can be assured it will be Shariah compliant.

Interpal - Qurbani - Cows and Sheep

The Qurbani meat is then frozen. Meat is often a rare luxury for Palestinian refugees, and frozen meat maximises the benefit of your donation.

Interpal - Qurbani - Step 3 - Deliver your Qurbani

Interpal then delivers the frozen meat to the West Bank, Gaza Strip, as well as refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon.

On Eid, we also ensure fresh local meat is distributed to the neediest families so they can take part in the celebrations.

Interpal logo

Why give your Qurbani through Interpal?

Your Qurbani can ease the difficulties of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, sharing blessings with those in need of aid. Your donation will allow us to provide fresh meat to families in need on Eid day and also allow us to provide frozen meat at a later date. All our Qurbanis are fully Shariah compliant, and we operate a 100% donations policy on all specified donations.

We also take Qurbani donations until the second day of Eid. You can be assured we will fulfil your religious requirements and provide aid to where it will benefit people the most.

How to Donate

The climate has become hostile for all those who support Palestinians seeking their rights. Despite the obvious humanitarian crises facing Palestinians, certain groups are seeking to hinder the work of charities like ours. There are people who want to stop us delivering aid to those in need.

With your support, Interpal will continue to overcome the obstacles it faces, as it has done for 25 years. We may not currently be able to take card donations, but you can still donate in other convenient ways so we can continue to deliver impactful aid.

Eid Al-Adha, Qurbani & Zakat Explained

Need to give Zakat?

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