Our Blogs

Suhad “I felt like the other children when Interpal gave me a school uniform. I felt happy, not poor.” #wishyouwerehere

Finally, we see part 2 of our 3 part campaign and find out what caused our friend to change his mood. What do you think you can do to help? #wishyouwerehere

Here is a picture from our flash mob held on Saturday the 7th of July in Whitechapel, London. The video will be released soon. Use this picture as your Facebook Profile picture or cover photo to spread the message.

We also have some fantastic Twitter backgrounds for you to use and share. Help us raise awareness of the plight of Palestinians now!

The #wishyouwerehere campaign is the latest campaign initiative from Interpal. As the holiday season beckons, and people start jet-setting around the globe, more and more people could be telling their friends, ‘wish you were here!’ However they are not the only ones saying ‘wish you were here’.  Palestinians everywhere are…